Sunday, February 13, 2011

Assignment Three

Chelsey Summerrow

The Myers Briggs Personality test said that I was extroverted, sensing, feeling and judging. I do believe that this describes me very well. I like to consider myself an extrovert because I would much rather surround myself with people than be alone. I usually act first and think later. I am very much in the here and now and I have a great recollection of the past. A judging style takes on a task with a plan. I feel most comfortable when I can come up with a plan beforehand rather than just going off a whim. The feeling side of my brain helps shape conclusions in an attached way.
The learning style inventory test said that I am a tactile learner which at first I was somewhat skeptical but after reading the definition it is very true. A tactile learner writes down his or her notes, makes study sheets and writes down important information several times. The best study method for me is to make note cards and quiz myself. I do not study well in groups because I need quiet to concentrate.
After reviewing my results, this information will help me be successful in the classroom as a teacher because I will be able to be more observant to my students and their needs. Now that I am aware of the different learning styles and personality characteristics, I can better understand each child. This information will help me be successful in the classroom as a learner because I can use my time studying and learning more efficiently because I know how I learn best and how I get along with others best.