Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Virtual Field Trip

My students will go on a virtual field trip to an aquarium and visit Winter the dolphin.  Winter has a prosthetic tail.  The students will submit a paper explaining their experience.  

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Computer Lab Seating Chart

A benefit of using Microsoft Word to create the seating chart is the flexibility to use different shapes and sizes. The limitation of using Word was that I could not get the lines perfectly straight, it was more of a free hand design.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

My Dream Computer

I am a Kindergarten teacher in this county and I have found the best computer for my classroom. The computer that would be best for my students would be the HP desktop PC computers because they are a reasonable price and are extremely efficient computers. The main HP computer that stood out to me is the Touch Smart 310z Series. I have found this computer online at the HP website for $679.99. This specific computer is worth spending the money because it is touch screen and students would greatly benefit from being able to interact with the computer. This computer system stood out to me because it is a desktop and I think children need a separate screen and keyboard to learn. With this touch screen design the children are able to learn hands on with the computer because they can pinch, rotate, arc, flick, press and drag things with their hands on the computer screen and are able to have more of an interactive way of learning rather than just using a mouse with the computer.
This computer has many components needed for a computer in the classroom. This computer has a wireless mouse and keyboard and has removable feet for wall mounting. The keyboard is sufficiently tactile, has additional easy-access multimedia keys and buttons and has a built in USB hub. The mouse is optical and the cord is long enough to use comfortably and you do not even have to use the cord, but it is an option and there is no mouse pad needed. It also has a slot loading DVD drive and a digital media card reader and has learning and reference software that could be beneficial to the students. It also has a built in web cam and microphone which would be of great use for students and has premium speakers for a crisp sound. The HP Touch Smart 310 has a 20" 1080p Full HD widescreen with 16:9. With such a great picture and large screen, the students will be more interested when they are learning with the computer. HP computers are also energy efficient and are mindful to the environment. HP computers have a great security system and come with preinstalled security software to protect against viruses, spam spyware, and other on-line threats. The 640GB 7200 rpm SATA 3Gb/s hard drive stores information, data and everything else you would want to save. The memory on HP’s is excellent and you can run multiple programs at a time.
The HP Deskjet 3000 Printer also goes well with any HP computers because it is the world’s top selling printer brand because it can print wirelessly, it powers up fast, prints instantly and shuts down right after printing so it is energy efficient. I found it online at Amazon.com for $56.06. This printer also has vivid color graphics and since it prints quickly it would be a good printer to have in the classroom because a printer that is speed sufficient so you can print paper in a timely manner. Any HP printer would go great in a classroom because they are the top selling printer brand because they are so reliable and work well. I would like a budget for the ink for the printer. A reasonable budget would be $100. It would be beneficial for my classroom to be able to print so the students can print.
The HP Touch Smart 310z series would best suite the classroom because it comes will all the components needed for a classroom computer, it runs fast, teachers are able to add applications and other things onto the computer and the key board, mouse and large screen are great for learning.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Assignment Three

Chelsey Summerrow

The Myers Briggs Personality test said that I was extroverted, sensing, feeling and judging. I do believe that this describes me very well. I like to consider myself an extrovert because I would much rather surround myself with people than be alone. I usually act first and think later. I am very much in the here and now and I have a great recollection of the past. A judging style takes on a task with a plan. I feel most comfortable when I can come up with a plan beforehand rather than just going off a whim. The feeling side of my brain helps shape conclusions in an attached way.
The learning style inventory test said that I am a tactile learner which at first I was somewhat skeptical but after reading the definition it is very true. A tactile learner writes down his or her notes, makes study sheets and writes down important information several times. The best study method for me is to make note cards and quiz myself. I do not study well in groups because I need quiet to concentrate.
After reviewing my results, this information will help me be successful in the classroom as a teacher because I will be able to be more observant to my students and their needs. Now that I am aware of the different learning styles and personality characteristics, I can better understand each child. This information will help me be successful in the classroom as a learner because I can use my time studying and learning more efficiently because I know how I learn best and how I get along with others best.

http://www.personalitypathways.com/type_inventory.html http://www.personal.psu.edu/bxb11/LSI/LSI.htm

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Technology in Education

I do not have any experience helping in the classroom but I do have plenty of experience being the student in the classroom.  I was fortunate enough to be able to spend time in a lower to middle class school and an upper class school.  My elementary school did not have much access to technology.  We had chalk boards, projectors and a few white boards.  I have more recollection of the technology used in my middle and high school.  In my middle school foreign language classrooms, we had headphone sets that came down from the ceiling.  These headphones allowed each student to communicate with their partner and the teacher was also able to listen in on our oral presentations.  The technology in my high school was very interactive.  My history teacher had a smart board and clickers.  This came in handy for review games, taking quizzes and using it day to day.  Technology helped keep my peers and I interested in what we were learning. 
            I feel that technology should be integrated into teaching and learning because it helps keeps the students attention.  In this day in age, the technology is changing very frequently.  I babysit for a family where their 2 year-old and three year-old can work an iPad just as well as I can.  Technology in the classroom keeps the students interested.  Using technology to help explain how a volcano erupts or watching a hurricane form off land is just one of the few examples of using web 2.0 tools to engage the students in interactive learning.     
            In the text the authors define educational technology as all types of media that can be used in teaching.  I think that this definition is very broad.  Educational technology in my opinion is any type of tool that is presented in the classroom that the student can use to help aid their knowledge of the presented topic.  Educational technology ranges from a chalk board to any web 2.0 tool.  The role technology holds in teaching is it helps aid the teachers by showing them easier ways to present the information their students need to learn.  The role technology holds in learning is that it helps explain the information in a more kid-friendly way.  Technology helps teach kindergarteners about the weather and can explain how the government in each state works in high school history.           
            Not all schools are able to use the newest technology.  The funding for the school system has a lot to do with what technology is available for each student to use.  In a big school with ample funds, the students probably have more technology to use at their fingertips and are more technology savvy.  In a lower end school, like my elementary school, the technology is scarcer and is not used as much.  Using the computer or getting to do the school announcements was much more of a privilege because the technology was not as prevalent.